Why choose Odoo website builder?

Start Building Your Website for Free Today with Odoo!

If you need more advanced features or want to integrate your website with other Odoo applications, such as e-commerce, inventory management, or marketing automation, we offer flexible pricing plans to suit your needs. Start building your online presence with Odoo website builder today and take advantage of our free offerings to help your business grow!"

First Application

With Odoo, you can have your first application for free forever, and that includes using the website builder. That means you can build your website almost for free, only having to pay for a domain.

Web Domain

We've got another surprise for you: Odoo offers a free web domain for the first year. That means you won't have to spend any extra money on your website's URL. How cool is that?

Fully secured

Rest assured that your website will be fully secured with Odoo's built-in security features, including HTTPS encryption. You don't need to worry about purchasing and configuring SSL certificates - it's all taken care of for you.

Unlock Advanced Features with Odoo's Flexible Pricing Plans

One App for Free

$ 0 .00

  • Unlimited users
  • Stunning Beautiful Themes

Standard Edition

$ 13 .50

  • Get access to all Apps.
  • Integrated Ecommerce, Inventory, CRM, Helpdesk, Appointment and Many More.
  • Studio App for Customization.

Custom Edition

$ 20 .40

/user/ month
  • Get access to all Apps.
  • Integrated Ecommerce, Inventory, CRM, Helpdesk, Appointment and Many More.
  • Studio App for Customization.
  • Build New Apps. from Scratch

Experience Lightning-Fast Speeds with Odoo16 – Up to 3.7x Faster Than Before!

Odoo16 is the latest version of the popular open-source ERP solution, and it comes with some exciting new improvements. One of the most significant improvements is the performance boost, with speeds now up to 3.7x faster than previous versions. This means that businesses can enjoy faster load times, quicker data processing, and smoother workflows, allowing them to get more done in less time. With improved performance, businesses can be more productive, efficient, and competitive in today's fast-paced business world. 

So why wait? unleash your business potential!

Global Users
Times Faster for Ecommerce Load.
Times Faster

Discover the Endless Possibilities of Odoo's Extensive App Collection

With 66 main applications and about 4000 third-party apps, Odoo has one of the largest and most diverse collections of business solutions on the market. From accounting and HR management to eCommerce and marketing automation, the possibilities are endless with Odoo. With such a vast array of applications to choose from, businesses can easily find the tools they need to streamline their operations and boost productivity. 

Third-party Apps.
Main Apps.

Experience the Power of Odoo

Free Demo 


Free Consultation

In conclusion, Odoo's website builder is the perfect solution for businesses looking to establish a strong online presence quickly and easily. With its intuitive interface, extensive collection of features and applications, and flexible pricing plans, Odoo is the go-to choice for companies worldwide.

With our free demo and consultation services, you can experience firsthand the power and potential of our platform before making any commitment. Don't wait any longer to take your business to the next level - start building your website with Odoo today!

Partner with Us for Your Web Development Needs